Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Let's start out simply . . .

The biggest time saver I use is pre-browning hamburger. I used to come home with a large container of hamburger, break it into pound hunks and wrap and freeze it. Then I had to defrost in the microwave, and then brown it. UGH! Now I buy the "big mama" size hamburger container at Sam's Club (like Cosco) and break it up something like this :

I usually make 2 - 2lb meatloafs and freeze them (awesome recipe I'll post later). Then we make about 16 - patties, stacked on wax paper and frozen. Then I make my husband brown and bag the rest in quart size ziplock baggies. He makes 2lb and 1lb baggies.

This pre-browned meat is perfect for tacos, spaghetti, sloppy joes, chili, baked spaghetti etc.


Linda B said...

This is a great idea - thanks for sharing it! I'm sorry that I haven't posted anything. I am here to learn, I'm afraid I don't have a lot of great ideas on time saving food prep planning. I have 4 kids and only 1 will eat well. The others are very picky and very different from each other. Doesn't matter if they help plan or prepare. Thanks for putting this blog together!

Sheri said...

When I first got Dustin from foster care the only thing he would eat was chicken nuggets . . . microwaved. UGH

Now he is the child who orders calamari at a restaurant! There is hope.

Kari said...

I am so glad you did this! This is going to help motivate me to plan better and make better meals. Maybe we should post our supper plans everyday so we are forced to make some! (Oh the shame I will feel if I have to post "cereal" at 5pm because of a lack of planning!) ~Kari