Friday, January 30, 2009

Shortbread . . . from Little Birdie Secrets . . .

Chocolate-Dipped Shortbread Recipe From Little Birdie Secrets

(these are mine with the addition of some pink sqiggles with Wilton melts)

4 cups flour
1 lb. butter
1 cup sugar
1 tsp. almond extract
1 bag Wilton Candy Melts or similar melting chocolate (we like "light cocoa" flavor)

Cream the butter and sugar with almond extract, then add flour and mix well. Roll out on a lightly floured surface and cut into desired shapes. Bake at 300 degrees for 25-30 minutes.
(Start checking after about 20 minutes. You want them to be just barely browning
around the edges.) Yields about 3 dozen cookies, depending on size of your cookie cutter.

Allow cookies to cool. Melt chocolate according to package directions. Dip half of each cookie in chocolate and place on wax paper to cool. When you start running low on chocolate, use a spoon to pour chocolate over cookies. Use the back of the spoon to smooth chocolate around until well-covered. Try not to eat too many before you pack them in your tins! They're addictive!

If you haven't checked out this blog you MUST. These ladies are SUPER crafty and have the MOST WONDERFUL ideas on the planet. Every week I find at least one thing I do from their site and I am not remotely talented in the cratfy-ness department. They do recipes, paper crafts, crocheting, sewing, everything! They are SUPER! Add them to your blog reader right now. Go.

1 comment:

Little Birdie Secrets said...

Hi, just popping on over from Little Birdie Secrets. Thanks so much for posting our recipe. Yum, you have a lot of good ones on here. I need to check them all out.